Working on long-term change in individuals, groups, and organisations based on science.

Paul Rohde.


Working on long-term change in individuals, groups, and organisations based on science.

Paul Rohde.

/ My mission is to
Become a more wholesome, nuanced, and exemplary personality.
Rigioursly working on my shortcomings, rough edges, and virtues as well as taking strong actions towards an exemplary and well-rounded character.
Make astonishing contributions to humanity while caring for myself and my beloved ones.
A sign of wisdom is the integration of opposites and paradoxes. While I take my work and time on earth extremely serious, I savour simple moments of presence and peace with loved ones.
Nurture the potential, talents, and gifts of others intimately and at scale.
My goal is to maintain groundedness in the intimate 1:1 growth relationships and science to translate the insights into flourishing at scale.
/ Professional Experience
I’m multilayered human, doing activities targeted at human flourishing. I coach, consultant/advice, research, develop my company, build products while keenly exploring the inner and outer world. Learn more of my professional history.
As a coach, for half a decade, my work has been to facilitate social, behavioural, cognitive, emotional, communicative change in the professional and personal lives of a diverse group of people and to become an expert at it.
At the London School of Economics and Political Science, I’m currently developing cutting-edge intellectual models that let us promote mental health, well-being, and human flourishing more effectively.

My past work researched how consumers can be protected from deceptive social influence strategies and how to empower parents to change their attitudes, social norms, and behaviours.
As a change management consultant for a leading German consultancy and an impact evaluator for an international development research corporation. My work was focused on facilitating change in large organisations and evaluating the impact of large-scale social interventions.
Consultant & Evaluator
My ambition for human flourishing at scale lead me to combine my expertise as a researcher and coach and to found Flourishing Humanity Corporation.

FHC develops digital products that use machine learning to recommend tailored evidence-based interventions that promote personal and professional flourishing as effectively as possible.
/ Services
01 / Coaching
We'll start by reviewing and celebrating your progress since the last session. Afterwards, a high-impact topic for the session will be identified and session goals will be defined. Next, I'll ask you thought-provoking questions on how to close the gap between your current and ideal state. Whenever useful, I'll share my expertise to stimulate your thinking. We finish by formulating actions that transform the session into more practical value. You'll send me the questions you want my perspective on. I'll share my viewpoint in our consulting session, ask questions, and encourage a open discussion.
2- or 3-hour
Typically, few months waitlist
250-550£/hour based on annual income
250-550£/hour for organizations
02 / Consulting
You'll send me the questions you want my perspective on. I'll share my viewpoint in our consulting session, ask questions, and encourage a open discussion
1-hour or more
To be discussed
03 / Workshops
I can diagnose the organisational high-impact areas for the workshop via qualitative and quantitative methods. I offer the option for an insightful and actionable report from these data sources. Next, I or we can design the workshop and deliver it. Lastly, I offer to consolidate the insights from the workshop into a report.
2-hour or more
To be discussed
Check workshop topics here
/ Personal facts
(01) INTJ - Strategist (02) Too enthusiastic early adopter of longevity and personal development products (03) Life motto: think big and pet friendly animals reliably (04) Had an active YouTube with over 120+ vids (05) Wants to live to 119 because that was the age of his pet dog, Loki, R.I.P (06) Lived for +3 months in Korea, Colombia, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, & UK (07) Did three +10-days meditation retreats (08) Wakes up at 5 these days (80%)
/ Other roles to read about
Empowering altruistic and ambitious people to lead their fields and industries for the greatest good.
Developing evidence-based and impactful theoretical and conceptual models for human flourishing.
Building a company exclusively focused on ensuring the long-term flourishing of humanity by using cutting-edge technology, science, and wisdom.